Customer Testimonials

Our number one mission is to provide a quality product to our customers and back that up with world-class support. We build our client base almost exclusively by word-of-mouth referrals. See what our customers have to say about us below in our testimonials.

Celtic Hearts Travel

Celtic Hearts Travel

“We are excited to get moving forward to new heights with Webvolve as our Web gurus. Thank you Micheal for listening to us and putting us at ease while making it so easy to put our trust in your company.”

Emer Coughlin, Co-Owner

Wishes and Dreams Travel

Wishes & Dreams Travel

“I absolutely love the work that Webvolve did on my website. Micheal did a fabulous job, and he really listened to what I wanted. I love that my site is unique and doesn’t look like other travel sites out there.”

Amy Kirby, Owner

WWME Atlanta

Worldwide Marriage Encounter (Georgia & Tennessee)

“Webvolve has been a partner with our organization for 4+ years, and Micheal has poured his heart and soul into his efforts for us. We would hardly have a web presence at all without the great work he has done. He understands our operating constraints, and has worked within them, creating a site where we can actually do many of the updates! Thank you for those late nights and your patience with our last second surprise requirements!”

Roger Borrello, Co-Area Leader

Anna's Electric

“My old website had been obliterated by a mishap. Almost a year later, when Micheal Garza of Webvolve found out what had happened, he researched and retrieved my site! All my old pictures and stories were found! He got it up and running again. He refused payment for his service and even forwarded the money I had paid for last year’s subscription to a new subscription! Furthermore, he transferred reviews from another site to my site, greatly enhancing my site. I am just floored with the personal emails and phone call that got me back up and running! I don’t think you’ll ever find a better company or person to deal with. Thank you Webvolve and Micheal Garza!”

Anna P., Owner

Get a free, no hassle design quote today!

The Webvolve Advantage

Personalized Website Design

Custom Look & Feel

Every design of ours is customized to match your business branding and personal preferences.

Responsive Web Development

Responsive Design

Your website is guaranteed to look stunning on all major browsers, mobile devices, and tablets.

Optimized for Google

Search Engine Ready

Using SEO best practices, we code your website for optimal visibility within the Google search engine.

Fast Website Speeds

Fast Loading Times

With our dedicated hosting, your website will be lightning fast regardless of connection.